Turken Red and white Hatching Eggs
Discover the joy of raising your own flock with our premium Turken Hatching Eggs from Misfit Farms. As a family-owned and operated business, we take pride in providing you with top-notch eggs that promise healthy and vibrant Turkens . Our commitment to quality and sustainability ensures that each egg is carefully selected and handled with the utmost care. Perfect for both new and experienced poultry enthusiasts, these hatching eggs offer a rewarding experience. Trust Misfit Farms for your livestock and fresh egg needs. Color variety can include, red, white, and mixed colors.
Important Hatching information
We guarantee that your eggs will arrive unbroken but do not guarantee your hatching success because of the many variables with shipping, incubating, and hatching. Breakage must be reported upon arrival. After transport, whether picked up at the farm or shipped, let your eggs sit for at least 12 hours before placing them into the incubator.